Councilmember Bernard Einstein has spent over two decades representing the people of Golden Beach. First elected to the Town Council in February 1999, Councilmember Einstein is proud of his role as an integral part in making Golden Beach the premier community in the nation.

During his tenure in office, Councilmember Einstein has worked with the Mayor, Council and Town Administration to accomplish many things, some of which include:

  • Reduced Golden Beach real estate taxes
  • Increased property values from $500 Million to a robust $1.438 Billion in the past 10 years
  • Invested over $44 million dollars in Capital improvements in our infrastructure, $30 million of which was secured through State-Federal Aid
  • Installed a new storm water system
  • Installed sidewalks and curbs
  • Installed a new water system
  • Undergrounded all overhead utilities
  • Installed new, uniform mailboxes and allotted for their regular maintenance
  • Landscaped Golden Beach Drive and A1A, adding 175 large palm trees, Medjool Palms, and lighting
  • Renovated and modified the beach pavilion, facilities and services
  • Redesigned North Park and South Park
  • Added a marine patrol, police boat and dock
  • Replaced all 3 Island Bridges
  • Built and beautified The Strand Entrance, including the police gatehouse
  • Built in-home Wi-Fi with dedicated fiber providing 1 gig of Internet and cable service, making Golden Beach the first municipality in the Nation to provide this service
  • Completing the final stages of construction a State of the Art Town Civic Center and Community Center, with delivery expected on time and on budget
  • Erected Walls at Massini Avenue and Terracina Avenue, securing the North and South ends of Town

Councilmember Einstein’s goals for the future include:

  • Controlling our tax rate and Town budget, while protecting property values
  • Completion of the Wellness center and the reimagined Tweddle park using funds raised from the General Obligation (GO) Bond
  • Develop and implement environmental protection for our beaches and waterways
  • Install Security Camera Systems to monitor the entire community, including the Intracoastal Waterways, Ocean areas and within Town.
  • Increase Town-wide Police presence and security, especially for our ocean residents.

On a personal note, Councilmember Einstein has been a proud resident of the Town for over 28 years, and he lives in his dream home that he built with his wife, Kathie. They are also the proud parents of a son and a daughter. Recently they were blessed with the birth of their granddaughter; the Einstein’s often bring their granddaughter to the playground and other park facilities, which helps Mr. Einstein stay acquainted with the needs of the toddlers and youth in the community.

Councilmember Einstein was also the recipient of The John Lands Service Award by the State of Florida for 20 years of Service to Golden Beach. Aside from his duties in Town, Councilmember Einstein has been a practicing member of the Florida Bar since 1978 and specializes in complex real estate transactions, title insurance, wills, trusts, and estates.

Councilmember Einstein prides himself on being a long-term resident of the Town. Among his greatest accomplishments, both personal and town-wide, he values the achievements that were made with limited resources. He understands the importance of making much from little. Councilmember Einstein also supports the Town’s current path: investing in community, infrastructure and people, while solidifying Golden Beach’s reputation as a preeminent residential community in which to work, live and raise a family.